Bad parking: How to avoid an #EpicParkingFail

Bad parking: How to avoid an #EpicParkingFail

We get it. We’ve all been there: You’re rushing, you’re busy, and the last thing on your mind is whether you’ve parked ‘perfectly’ in that space. All you want to do is get to your destination pronto! Sometimes, just some attention to detail can be the difference in when trying to park your car. Here is how to avoid an #EpicParkingFail.

Over 50% of motorists suffered damage to their cars due tocar parking blunders in 2014, with 91% of damage having been caused by someone else. Not just that, but an alarming1 in 6 driverswill drive off after damaging a car without leaving their insurance details! We know there’s nothing more frustrating than returning to your car to see it’s been damaged; but whilst you can’t control what other people do, there are a few things you can do to prevent these little mishaps yourself…

Epic parking fails from around the globe

Sometimes you have to see how bad things are in order to really learn for yourself how NOT to do something! So we’ve rounded up some of our favourite parking blunders from the web – take a peek:

Back back, forth and forth

Reversing should take the average driver around 30-60 seconds to complete the maneuver; but after plenty of to-ing and fro-ing, it took one Glasgow woman17 minutesto reverse park her car!

Blurred lines…

Photo via @parkingspotshaming)

Photo via@parkingspotshaming

Tight squeeze…

Okay, this is pretty impressive - but can someone explain how this person actually got out of their car after they parked it?!

Image Source:Daily Mail

The key to perfect parking

The AA Global Driving School’sparking advicefocuses on being considerate, aiming for spaces on the end of a row, and reversing into (rather than out of) a space where possible, to prevent possible damage to and from other vehicles. However, as parking spaces get smaller and harder to find, combined with cars getting larger, the once-simple act of parking is becoming increasingly difficult. And whilst your alloy wheels and painted bumpers look sleek, if you happen to scuff or dent them, your wallet will suffer for it! Sometimes a little help from technology is what’s needed to take the stress and guesswork out of parking - and could potentially save you an expensive repair bill or insurance claim! The best bits of tech to help with parking are Parking Sensors and Reversing Cameras:

  • Parking Sensors

Parking sensors are helpful because they identify obstacles (pedestrians, objects, other cars… grannies and furry animals), so that you can avoid them and park your car seamlessly. The advantage of parking sensors is that if your attention isn't on the display, the audible warning can provide you with clear guidance.

  • Rear-view Cameras

When it comes to parallel parking or reverse parking, it can be difficult to judge the distance between where you are and the back of your car. A simple solution is to install a reversing camera paired with the right car accessories, to help guide you into your parking spot. A rear-view camera aids rearward driving, especially in large cars, and gives a clear view of the ground immediately behind the car, which is not usually visible from the driver’s seat.

Obviously neither option should be used as a substitute for checking your mirrors, but parking sensors and reversing cameras can really make a difference when it comes to mastering the now complex art of parking!

And finally, whether you’re still learning how to drive or just haven’t quite mastered the art of parallel parking, this info graphic is a useful guide to help you with the three basic parking methods – it’s biased to UK driving but applies internationally too.  Happy parking!